Cannot make PS work with LDAP

hello all.<br />my problem cannot make policy server accept user logins exist in sun 1 server. have edited login-config.xml file adding this:<br /><br /><application-policy name="usernamepwd_auth_search"><br />  <authentication><br />  <!-- not change following 2 lines--><br />    <login-module code="com.adobe.edc.server.provider.authentication.login.ldaploginmodule" flag="required"><br />      <module-option name = "java.naming.factory.initial">com.sun.jndi.ldap.ldapctxfactory</module-option><br />     <!-- should ldap url server name , port--><br />      <module-option name = "user.provider.url">ldap://</module-option><br />     <!-- ldap authentication type.--><br />      <module-option name = "">simple</module-option><br />     <!-- setting true forces code search user dn constructed dynamically.--><br />      <module-option name = "searchuser">true</module-option><br />     <!-- if searchuser true following 3 configure whether search performed anonymously or specific user--><br />      <module-option name = "searchusinganonymousbind">true</module-option><br />      <module-option name = "binduser"></module-option><br />      <module-option name = "bindpassword"></module-option><br /><br />     <!-- specifies basedn users should be. <br />     be sure matches directory settings in config ui or else end user not authenticate--><br />      <module-option name = "basedn">ou=users,dc=etech,dc=adobe,dc=com</module-option><br /><br />     <!-- following specify prefix/suffix search find dn corresponding uid.<br />     using "uid=" typically okay sunone; using "samaccountname=" typically okay activedirectory. <br />     be sure directory settings in config ui match filter or else end user will<br />     not able authenticate.--><br />      <module-option name = "searchfilterprefix">(&amp;(objectclass=*)(uid=</module-option><br />      <module-option name = "searchfiltersuffix">))</module-option><br />    </login-module><br />  </authentication><br /></application-policy><br /><br />i have created organizational unit named "users" , added user in policy server web app have created domain including authentication & directory parameters:<br /><br />authentication provider: jaas<br />jaas application name: usernamepwd_auth_search<br /><br />in directory filled in following:<br /><br />port:20492<br />ssl: no<br />binding:anonymous<br /><br />base dn:ou=users,dc=etech,dc=adobe,dc=com<br />search filter:(&(objectclass=*)(uid=))<br />name attribute:entrydn<br />uid attribute:uid<br />full name attribute:cn<br /><br />and rest default sun 1 server. hane not added group settings.<br />the server test successfull can't log in using username , password created user. have tried several combinations base dn,search filter,name attribute nothing worked.<br />can understand going wrong here?

More discussions in LiveCycle pre-ES (6.x and 7.x) discussions

