frontend blank - admin fine - intermittent - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support


this weird problem occurs enough cause massive annoyance! have several web sites running joomla on server. there non-joomla web sites well.

every , (about once week), 3 websites go blank. frontend goes blank. there no error messages, white page. admin site loads fine. after while, 10 minutes, sites come on magically!

here sites go blank:,, (they load fine you.. said.. problem intermittent)

here sites don't:,

i not sure for. both tech service guys , have been looking everywhere. have recompiled apache , php. problem continues.

can pls help?

- v

hi.. know vague one.. can gurus here throw out possible ideas?

the 3 web sites mentioned above seem going down once day on average!! oddly enough.. it's front end of web site that's not loading up. admin end loads fine.  ???

please help!

- v
