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Thread: Firestarter broke my Internet connection

recently, "reminded" accidentally left vino-server (vnc) listening on port 5900 without password, , on lan connect sniffed it. being alert, disconnected them within seconds, disabled vnc together, proceeded install firestarter in attempt monitor other potential attacks log source address of perp.

in doing so, seem have broke internet connection.

moment login, nothing works online. can't launch skype, pidgin, evolution, firefox sits there , times out. if open firestarter, , hit "stop firewall" button, runs smoothly. entire time, if wait several minutes, firestarter never shows events 1 might expect if there traffic being blocked.

now, there unknown variable this: network i'm connecting to.

purchase internet local isp (and mean local, in, provide service 1000 or 2000 people out here, getting feed entirely through satalite dish; literally in middle of nowhere... i'm contractor... enough said). anyway, have not clue how topology of infrastructure is, security measures have in place, sort of non-standard protocols or practices have , running on networks. how isp might doing affect utter lack of "events" in firestarter showing up, or why nothing internet-wise works when firewall , running, have no clue.

i'd happy if knows how uninstall firestarter , left had before installed. fear not doing control panel/program being removed, changes iptables being left behind when reboot, firewall , have no easy way "stop" button in firestarter.

alternatively, i'm open theories might causing problem. i'm used seeing events , big red stop-sign show whenever traffic blocked, , yet firestarter acting not thing being blocked @ all....

im not 100% sure might give into.

firewalls out of box block think like, port 80 etc.. have set want allowed. downloaded gufw , out of box, stuff working.. might consider finding documentation downloaded, , find out how allow programs/ports things..

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