Adding components to an existing PCB

every , may need add component existing circuit board.
you may need add new functionality, modify mistake or maybe add marshaling point gnd or vcc.

if have 1 of these inexpensive metal hole punches, punch out different sized pads 1/32" single sided pcb material.

use epoxy or high temperature liquid steel glue/epoxy affix cutout pads in free pcb areas.
after glue hardens, solder components , wires these pads , existing pcb traces.

don't forget using real estate on bottom of pcb.


if have 1 of these inexpensive metal hole punches, punch out different sized pads 1/32" single sided pcb material.
it want inexpensive, not last long. :smiley-lol:

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > Adding components to an existing PCB

