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Thread: grafic problem, broken nvidia driver or so

hi alltogether,

quite newbie linux, think topic rather not-newblie-like post in here.

have had newest version of kubuntu on dell inspiron 6400 geforce go 7300 , upgrades no drivers nvidia geforce card.

since wanted use second monitor, planned install software, went hardware driver program , activated recommended nvidia option. there no reaction on it, did later again, getting system error.
when rebooted, nvidia driver failed load, recovery option showed me, , left no graphical interface in promt. there, can't handle problem on own.

use windows on notebook , kubuntu runs on second partition, hardly use far, plan emigrate windows in private work.

hope guys can me,


if can boot livecd, navigate etc/x11 in kubuntu installation , rename xorg.conf file else (rename you'll recognise back-up if required).

reboot kubuntu installation , should reconfigure x system use original working configuration.

if can working again can bit more research on nvidia driver problem.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [SOLVED] grafic problem, broken nvidia driver or so

