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Thread: Finding who (what) killed my process.

i have rather simple script restarts process everytime exits, because process designed exit , restart using shell script.

#!/bin/bash  while true           echo "starting."          ./program params  done
typically, when crashes, exits this:

terminate called after throwing instance of 'exception'  ./ line 6: 16453 aborted                 ./program params
which expected, program throwing exception , script restarts it. now, managed catch weird...

// program generating output normal, nothing weird.  ./ line 6: 16445 killed                  ./program params
killed? how? why? specific, bash telling me program executed being killed. know kernel kill program being memory intensive, simple 200kb program not memory intensive in way, , restarts every ~hour eliminate possible memleaks.

i've tried looking through log files should contain info, nothings there.

gary@snuggles:/var/log$ sudo grep 16445 *  [sudo] password gary:   gary@snuggles:/var/log$
no 1 else has access pc, either directly or remotely. ideas on how track down why/how killed?


Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk Finding who (what) killed my process.

