Integrating LDAP with Adobe Livecycle

i desperately need assistance fixing problems facing.

from forum came know cant create users in livecycle, way create users using ldap. didnt had idea ldap is, after bit of browsing, downloaded openldap installer windows , ran server, created entries using ldif(sampl.ldif) file. structure this:

the ldap server running on machine ip port 389 , livecycle installed on other machine.
now in order create user in livecycle followed following steps:
1. 1 have created new domain called newdom,
2. added authentication ldap.

i not able figure out entries should go in add directory page. whether should add user or group? each time try test server, error message server not responding. though able connect browser server typing ldap://

where making mistake?

thanks lot help!

More discussions in LiveCycle pre-ES (6.x and 7.x) discussions

