Quirky Linux 8.1.2 for Pi2 and Pi3 - Raspberry Pi Forums

see announcement , download links on blog:


quirky newcomer pi, , there issues first release, 8.1, , have been steadily resolving them. hopefully, find 8.1.2 nice experience.

issues, please report them, either here or on @ puppy forum:

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... &start=375

note, read puppy forum more frequently.

news think service pack mechanism fixed sd-card installations, in future won't have download complete new sd-card image upgrade, small pet package (pet native package format puppy linux).
in theory anyway, fixed haven't yet tested fix. should ok.

note download image, 8gb sd-card, or bigger. reason didn't release 4gb image, quirky has "snapshot" feature needs lots of room. feature users have come love. can take snapshot of working system, @ time in future can choose roll earlier snapshot.

great if have broken installation. or, compiled lots of packages, , want rid of them -- take snapshot before doing compiling , can restore it.

find out more, in menu "filesystem -> snapshot manager".

intro snapshots here:


anyway, i'm starting ramble. there lots quirky.

on subject of rolling back, note.

quirky designed pet package can uninstalled, , system go how before pet installed. if newly installed pet overwrites existing file, file gets archived (look under /audit folder), , if pet gets uninstalled, archiveed file gets restored.

mechanism supposed work service pack pets, in theory upgrade new version of quirky, if don't it, uninstall pet.

"in theory" because roll-back hasn't had testing.

note, aforementioned "snapshot" mechanism can used roll version upgrade. take snapshot before installing service pack. snapshots more tested.

