Atmel says: Atmel 7, Easier to Use and More Powerful than Ever

anyone tried yet?

have heard news?!

atmel announced release of the atmel studio 7ide, delivering significant performance enhancements developing , debugging, updated easy-to-use user interface, improved context sensitive system, seamless import of sketches arduino ide--and more. atmel studio 7 provides visualization of real-time application data , power usage better optimize application performance , power utilization.

atmel introduced new web-based software configuration , deployment system, atmel start, enabling developers spend less time integrating software components , more time focusing on own application.

atmel start enables software developers graphically select software components , configure them atmel's large family of evaluation boards or own custom boards. developers can build software platforms consisting of low-level drivers, advanced middleware, real time operating systems (rtos), high-level communication stacks , more, , download configured software package own ide , build application. 

learn more about atmel studio 7 and atmel start and how these 2 innovative platforms accelerate time-to-market developers of levels , profession. 

not yet, thinking 700mb+ download. though.

Arduino Forum > Community > Bar Sport > Atmel says: Atmel 7, Easier to Use and More Powerful than Ever

