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Thread: Error messages when unpacking .tgz

i attempting download driver (hopefully) fix oversized resolution. when download file , try open firefox, "<file>.tgz not opened, because associated helper file not exist. change association in preferences." don't know association it's talking about.

when try unpack file manually, get: error occurred while loading archive.

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: child returned status 1
tar: exiting failure due previous errors.

i'm lost. don't know of means. want display fit on screen! oh, , it's gateway mx3215 laptop, cn700/p4m800 unichrome pro. know do?? thanks!

this error happens when file not in gzip archive format.
did download file from? size of it?

if rename it, able open it.
try changing .tgz part each of following , attempt open file:
.tar .tar.bz2 .zip .

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