Behaviour of command find... - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all,
try use command find described here ... -on-linux/

behaviour strange...

current files in directory are:

code: select all

./domoticz_20161126110002.tar.gz ./sys_20161128080759.tar.gz ./domoticz_20161125101415.tar.gz ./domoticz_20161125110002.tar.gz ./domoticz_20161128080759.tar.gz ./domoticz_20161127110002.tar.gz
timestamp in filename corresponds time of creation of files
if use

code: select all

sudo find  -mtime +2 -print
returns nothing
if use

code: select all

sudo find  -mtime +1 -print

code: select all

./domoticz_20161125101415.tar.gz ./domoticz_20161125110002.tar.gz 
why command return 2 files of 3 days ? , previous 1 no file?
did miss?
thank you.

edit: system is:

code: select all

linux raspberrypi 4.4.17+ #901 fri aug 12 17:48:40 bst 2016 armv6l gnu/linux 7.11 raspbian gnu/linux 7 \n \l 

what date of files ?
ls -lt *

