wi-fi problems - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi last week had reinstall noobs on daughter's raspberry-pi meaning had set (previously working) wi-fi dongle. have followed numerous guides no avail. pi can see adapter , can see wireless network. have put configuration in wpa_supplicant file no matter try pi says 'wlan0 not associated' , not connect wi-fi. have tried network settings both in wpa_supplicant folder , putting them in network interfaces folder nothing works. can help? there seem conflicting guides best use wpa_supplicant way or way? dongle ralink , firmware , modules present. lo, eth0 , wlan0 wlan1 (not associated either). there definitive guide pointed too? many thanks. add when runn sudo ifdown wlan0 command returns can't read interfaces file due misplaced option?

presuming chose , installed raspbian noobs menu, have correct ssid , password key router settings? there extensive wifi in "stickies" @ beginning of forum. might wish copy wpa-supplicant , interfaces files , attach them here, otherwise hard guess wrong. should obfuscate actual passkey when post here don't compromise security. also, might tell rpi model , os using.

