SD Card Curruption, OS dependant? - Raspberry Pi Forums

i have 2 sd cards have been making heavy use of since release of raspberry pi, when got first model b.

both still doing greate, , have never needed reformatting or major. both setup running risc os.

thinking issues reported sd card curruption same kind of issues happen hard drive fs curruption (even on other computers), releated frequency of access, , , not buffered.

issue of frequency frequent access disk swapping. known issue unix systems (including linux) , m$-windows systems. frequent access tends wear things out, pure , simple (likely cause of dead sd's have read on these forums well).

issue of means of buffering little more complex. in unix systems since abour 1992 there has been tendancy cache bothe fs , file data, , times have on disk copy of fs not date on disk copies of files refers, can cause significant problems in case of power loss or hard reset, though lesser extent normal usage.

method of keeping on disk copy of fs updated before files refers better, keeps things in sync, if there loss. idea of keeping caches allow better use of i/o, if not writing out cached data has been updated when bus not bussy defeating purpose, making large flush slows things down later on when memory needed application.

caching files , fs data in ram works if try keep on writing out changed data can without slowing else down. , if filesystem upto date before files are. may lose data in files, better currupting file system.

risc os on other hand has caching system, , not need access storage device under normal usage. on disk copies date. risc os not demand page disk swapping @ all, not have wear on device.

beings first 2 sd-cards raspberry pi both going strong heavy daily use running risc os, there reason think way linux, bsd, , whatever other os using deal local storage device access.

systems there uses, though not @ keeping sd cards alive.

my no brand 32g class 10 one, running raspbian web surfing & qbittorrent everyday 3 years still alive, besides brand sdcard had live time warranty.

