Stepper Motor Library for Easy Driver, Big Easy Driver, Allegro STEP/DIR chips

hi everyone,

as part of larger project, wrote library controlling stepper motors attached easy drivers, big easy drivers, or of allegro driver chips use step/dir interfaces.

there are, of course, libraries already. mine differs, think, in few key points:

- lgpl instead of gpl. imo important libraries avoid dictating how other people license rest of code.

- consistent motor speed regardless of drive mode, set in rpm. if change drive mode while motor moving, speed not change.

- consistent position index (measured in 1/16th steps) regardless of drive mode, after changing drive modes, position 1000 refer same location before

- linear acceleration, without heavy math or floating point numbers. can set acceleration in rpmpm (rpm per minute) or turn off entirely. acceleration allows drive heavier loads , reach higher speeds.

- handling of ms1/ms2/ms3 pins using user-friendly enum specify chosen drive mode.

- accurate timing. if set speed of motor 120 rpm, move @ 120rpm... not 115 or 125. assuming, of course, call work() method enough.

- automatic handling of enable pin if desired

i hope others find useful. on github:

i've tested easy driver. should work flawlessly big easy driver , allegro step/dir-based chips, since haven't been able test of them, i'm kept library in "beta" state.

hopefully helps give arduino community has helped me many years!

thanks sharing.

i don't see description of api on github page maybe missed ?

i wonder if library suitable driving multiple motors in coordinated way required cnc or 3d printing? example motora moves 237 steps in same time motorb moves 87 steps.


Arduino Forum > Development > Other Software Development > Stepper Motor Library for Easy Driver, Big Easy Driver, Allegro STEP/DIR chips

