Google Maps Plugin - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support


i trying googlemaps plugin mike reumer work having problems

if use code

{mosmap width='500'|height='400'|lat='52.052312'|lon='4.447141'|zoom='3'| zoomtype='large'|zoomnew='0'|maptype='satellite'| showmaptype='1'|overview='0'|text='sv dwo'|lang=''|key=''}

it works ok if use address instead of lat & lon ie

{mosmap width='150'|height='150'|address='727 east ave,pawtucket,ri,02860,us'|zoom='5'| zoomtype='small'|zoomnew='0'|maptype='normal'|showmaptype='1'|overview='0'}

i error

fatal error: call undefined function: domxml_open_mem() in w:\www\joomla\mambots\content\plugin_googlemap2.php on line 141

line 141 is

$responsedoc = domxml_open_mem($getpage);

any ideas?????

a link tp plugin test?
