Photo frame with FBI - Raspberry Pi Forums

i want turn old 1st generation raspberry pi photo frame without resorting x-windows. 2 options seems using either fbi or fim. ideally, program resizes & renders image framebuffer. should exit silently. control image being displayed & duration remotely via web interface (php & nginx).

fbi seems best option far except need pkill terminate fbi can move on next image. bash script have @ moment follows:

code: select all

#!/bin/bash # album slide show  startfbi() { sudo fbi -d /dev/fb0 -t 1 --noverbose "$pic" 2> /dev/null }  stopfbi() { if [[ -n $(pgrep fbi) ]];         sudo pkill fbi fi }  #main loop (control logic removed simplicity) while true                 stopfbi         startfbi $picname         sleep 10         done 
problem 'pkill' results in black screen filled "oops: terminated" lines. have tried variety of other options such fim & writing raw image framebuffer directly fbi still closer had in mind.

advice appreciated.


restlesspi wrote:the problem 'pkill' results in black screen filled "oops: terminated" lines.
happens if kill 1st fbi after have run 2nd copy? might although seem want clear screen , put image rather smoothly painting next image on first, @ best i've seen blank time between images. if you're trying display security still shots progressively, say, disconcerting.

