trying a light crypto sketch

hi guys,

i´ve been reading forum few weeks since got arduino... :) , i´m stucked in place none has asked before... :))

i got problem , dont know i´m doing wrong.. me appreciate.

i´m trying send on bluetooth message little obfuscation/crypto in it.

it´s data , have many repetition on it..."0000,0,00,0000,1,00" tried rot47 fast there repetition on message, i´ve created little , down counter add data , after encode base64...

i´m satisfied result, i´m having little problem in end of decrypted message...

i message correctly in end of message decrypted there few characters more wish... believe string , null terminator problem, not sure , don't know how fix it...

the functions encrypt , decrypt must work strings since doesnt know size of message...

here code:

code: [select]

#include <base64.h>

unsigned long m_w = 7;
unsigned long m_z = 3;

char *rot47(char *s){
  char *p = s;
  while(*p) {
    if(*p >= '!' && *p <= 'o')
      *p = ((*p + 47) % 127);
    else if(*p >= 'p' && *p <= '~')
      *p = ((*p - 47) % 127);
  return s;

unsigned long getrandom()
  m_z = 36969l * (m_z & 65535l) + (m_z >> 16);
  m_w = 18000l * (m_w & 65535l) + (m_w >> 16);
  return (m_z << 16) + m_w;  /* 32-bit result */

void setup() {

void loop() {

  serial.println("enter message");
  while (serial.available () < 1)  {;}  
  string toencrypt = serial.readstring();

  serial.println("enter encrypted message");
  while (serial.available () < 2)  {;}  //espera ver se confirma ou reseta...
  string todecrypt = serial.readstring();
  string decoded;
  decrypt_bluetooth(todecrypt, &decoded );
  delay (5000);

char decrypt_bluetooth(string received, string *decoded1){
  char dados[10];
  int count;

  int receivedsize = received.length()+1;
  char charbuf[receivedsize];


  int input2len = sizeof(charbuf);
  int decodedlen = base64_dec_len(charbuf, input2len);
  char decoded[decodedlen];
  base64_decode(decoded, charbuf, input2len);


  *decoded1 = decoded;

void encrypt_send_bluetooth(string toencrypt){
  int toencryptsize = toencrypt.length()+1;
  char dados[toencryptsize];

  int countup=1;
  int countdown=0;
  int count;
  int countstart;
  countstart = (getrandom()% 10); //from 0 9...

// trying scramble message using random number (this number added begginng of message descrable after

  int inputlen = sizeof(dados);

  rot47(dados); //do rot47
  int encodedlen = base64_enc_len(inputlen);
  char encoded[encodedlen];
  base64_encode(encoded, dados, inputlen);

  int  tamanho =  sizeof(encoded);
  char buffer[tamanho];

  buffer[0] = c; //put in front of message digit used scramble message
  for (int i=1; i<=tamanho; i++){
    buffer[i] = encoded[i-1];

  serial.print("sent:"); serial.println(buffer);


i´m using base64 here:

thanks in advance!

so you're testing arduino serial monitor? have set "line ending" right down @ bottom of window? suspect should change "none."

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > trying a light crypto sketch

