i'm trying use myo armband gestures control , arduinouno , using xbee control arduinouno. i'll explain more below, tell me if think it's possible.
i'm following tutorial on instructables, taking step further. clarity, since i'm using 2 arduino unos; arduino1 receives signals myo , arduino2 receives signals arduino1.
i went through tutorial , can control arduino1 fine, change case statements light leds serial print statements, control arduino2 doesn't receive signal. think it's because arduino1 sending serialprint statements computer , myo instead of through xbee shield. since there 1 rxtx port on arduino uno.
is accurate me think this? opinions or thoughts welcome , appreciated.
link instructables: http://www.instructables.com/id/gesture-enable-your-arduino-project-with-a-myo-arm/
i'm trying use myo armband gestures control , arduinouno , using xbee control arduinouno. i'll explain more below, tell me if think it's possible.
i'm following tutorial on instructables, taking step further. clarity, since i'm using 2 arduino unos; arduino1 receives signals myo , arduino2 receives signals arduino1.
i went through tutorial , can control arduino1 fine, change case statements light leds serial print statements, control arduino2 doesn't receive signal. think it's because arduino1 sending serialprint statements computer , myo instead of through xbee shield. since there 1 rxtx port on arduino uno.
is accurate me think this? opinions or thoughts welcome , appreciated.
link instructables: http://www.instructables.com/id/gesture-enable-your-arduino-project-with-a-myo-arm/
is accurate me think this?absolutely!
maybe not.
who knows?
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Arduino and MYO Armband
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