we trying implement silent print pdf generated using adobe. accomplish this, using following solution. want check see if anticipate problems approach. appreciated. thanks.
issue - trying send pdf default printer on client machine without opening document in adobe 7.0.
the logic used is:
1. search /type /catalog in byte stream coming web server app server.
2. insert following acrobat java script code @ point stream trigger silent print without opening pdf.
java script being inserted -
/*check validate if script silent print inserted, script written once*/
boolean isinserted = false;
/*search string type catalog in byte stream. */
string strsearchstring = new string("/type /catalog");
byte[] bytearray = new byte[byte_size];
fileinputstream fin = new fileinputstream(new file(file));
int bytelength = fin.read(bytearray, 0, bytearray.length);
/* convert string searching */
string strpdf = new string(bytearray);
while( bytelength != -1 )
int searchind = strpdf.indexof(strsearchstring);
if ((searchind != -1) && !(isinserted))
isinserted = true;
iswritten = true;
stringbuffer strbufpdf = new stringbuffer(strpdf);
stringbuffer strbufreplace = new stringbuffer();
/*the script silent print*/
strbufreplace = strbufreplace.append("\n/openaction <<");
strbufreplace = strbufreplace.append("\n/type /action");
strbufreplace = strbufreplace.append("\n/s /javascript");
strbufreplace = strbufreplace.append("\n/js (this.print\\({bui: false, bsilent: false, bshrinktofit: true}\\);)");
strbufreplace = strbufreplace.append("\n>>\n");
byte[] byteinsertarray = new byte[strbufpdf.tostring().length()];
byteinsertarray = strbufpdf.tostring().getbytes();
res.getoutputstream().write(byteinsertarray ,0 ,byteinsertarray.length);
res.getoutputstream().write(bytearray ,0 ,bytelength);
bytelength = fin.read(bytearray, 0, bytearray.length);
strpdf = new string(bytearray);
searchind = strpdf.indexof(strsearchstring);
res.flushbuffer();// flush buffer content type sent right away.
issue - trying send pdf default printer on client machine without opening document in adobe 7.0.
the logic used is:
1. search /type /catalog in byte stream coming web server app server.
2. insert following acrobat java script code @ point stream trigger silent print without opening pdf.
java script being inserted -
/*check validate if script silent print inserted, script written once*/
boolean isinserted = false;
/*search string type catalog in byte stream. */
string strsearchstring = new string("/type /catalog");
byte[] bytearray = new byte[byte_size];
fileinputstream fin = new fileinputstream(new file(file));
int bytelength = fin.read(bytearray, 0, bytearray.length);
/* convert string searching */
string strpdf = new string(bytearray);
while( bytelength != -1 )
int searchind = strpdf.indexof(strsearchstring);
if ((searchind != -1) && !(isinserted))
isinserted = true;
iswritten = true;
stringbuffer strbufpdf = new stringbuffer(strpdf);
stringbuffer strbufreplace = new stringbuffer();
/*the script silent print*/
strbufreplace = strbufreplace.append("\n/openaction <<");
strbufreplace = strbufreplace.append("\n/type /action");
strbufreplace = strbufreplace.append("\n/s /javascript");
strbufreplace = strbufreplace.append("\n/js (this.print\\({bui: false, bsilent: false, bshrinktofit: true}\\);)");
strbufreplace = strbufreplace.append("\n>>\n");
byte[] byteinsertarray = new byte[strbufpdf.tostring().length()];
byteinsertarray = strbufpdf.tostring().getbytes();
res.getoutputstream().write(byteinsertarray ,0 ,byteinsertarray.length);
res.getoutputstream().write(bytearray ,0 ,bytelength);
bytelength = fin.read(bytearray, 0, bytearray.length);
strpdf = new string(bytearray);
searchind = strpdf.indexof(strsearchstring);
res.flushbuffer();// flush buffer content type sent right away.
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