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Thread: Netbook with normal desktop

i creating netbook remix small screen thing...

fine, except launcher, doesn't react mouse (and isn't compared standard desktop anyway)

removed button launcher panel, , replaced gnome menu (same icon, pops menu now)

problems that:
* files desktop still don't show (and rightclicking doesn't work etc etc)
* application switcher showed window decoration (x button etc) on panel , opened windows next isn't working more, shows windows , decoration missing


* files desktop still don't show (and rightclicking doesn't work etc etc)
try running following command terminal:

gconftool -s --type bool /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop true
* application switcher showed window decoration (x button etc) on panel , opened windows next isn't working more, shows windows , decoration missing
you need have "maximus window management" in list of startup applications application switcher work properly.

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