hello guys,
im doing project using adafruit adxl377 + gps + adafruit fona:
the resume of doing is:
1. getting readings analogs of accel.
2. if value reach 10g example must send gps coord. via text msg.
3. ploting values in computer google earth.
im using tinygps library gps.
i did program , main problem loop function calling readlocation(); has long delay cause of millis(); use guess, reading time of accelerometer compromissed. dont know best way fix it, call readlocation(); when analogread reach value ?
i dont program , need light here.
im doing project using adafruit adxl377 + gps + adafruit fona:
the resume of doing is:
1. getting readings analogs of accel.
2. if value reach 10g example must send gps coord. via text msg.
3. ploting values in computer google earth.
im using tinygps library gps.
i did program , main problem loop function calling readlocation(); has long delay cause of millis(); use guess, reading time of accelerometer compromissed. dont know best way fix it, call readlocation(); when analogread reach value ?
i dont program , need light here.
code: [select]
#include "tinygps.h"
#include "adafruit_fona.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
tinygps gps;
//definicao rx/tx/rst fona
#define fona_rx 11
#define fona_tx 10
#define fona_rst 3
//definicao rx/tx gps
#define gps_tx_digital_out_pin 5
#define gps_rx_digital_out_pin 6
#ifdef __avr__
#include <softwareserial.h>
softwareserial fonass = softwareserial(fona_tx, fona_rx);
softwareserial *fonaserial = &fonass;
hardwareserial *fonaserial = &serial1;
adafruit_fona fona = adafruit_fona(fona_rst);
uint8_t readline(char *buff, uint8_t maxbuff, uint16_t timeout = 0);
uint8_t type = fona800l;
int scale = 200;
unsigned int ac1, ac2, ac3;
char sendto[21] = "88341799";
char message[140];
long startmillis;
long secondstofirstlocation = 0;
float scaledx, scaledy, scaledz;
#define debug
float latitude = 0.0;
float longitude = 0.0;
char lats[16];
char lons[16];
void setup()
serial.println(f("fona basic test"));
serial.println(f("initializing....(may take 3 seconds)"));
if (! fona.begin(*fonaserial)) {
serial.println(f("couldn't find fona"));
while (1);
type = fona.type();
serial.println(f("fona ok"));
serial.print(f("found "));
#ifdef debug
// serial1 gps
// serial2 adxl377
// serial3 sms
// prevent controller pins 5 , 6 interfering comms gps
pinmode(gps_tx_digital_out_pin, input);
pinmode(gps_rx_digital_out_pin, input);
startmillis = millis();
void flushserial() {
while (serial3.available())
void loop()
//reset da array das coordenadas gps
int rawx = analogread(a0);
int rawy = analogread(a1);
int rawz = analogread(a2);
// scale accelerometer adc readings common units
// scale map depends on if using 5v or 3.3v microcontroller
//float scaledx, scaledy, scaledz; // scaled values each axis
scaledx = mapf(rawx, 0, 1023, -scale, scale);
scaledy = mapf(rawy, 0, 1023, -scale, scale);
scaledz = mapf(rawz, 0, 1023, -scale, scale);
serial.print("x: ");
serial.print("y: ");
serial.print("z: ");
// print out scaled x,y,z accelerometer readings
serial.print("x: ");
if(scaledx < 0) scaledx = -scaledx;
serial.println(" g");
serial.print("y: ");
if(scaledy < 0) scaledy = -scaledy;
serial.println(" g");
serial.print("z: ");
if(scaledz < 0) scaledz = -scaledz;
serial.println(" g");
float mapf(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max)
return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
void readlocation(){
bool newdata = false;
unsigned long chars = 0;
unsigned short sentences, failed;
// 1 second parse gps data , report key values
(unsigned long start = millis(); millis() - start < 1000;)
while (serial1.available())
int c = serial1.read();
// serial.print((char)c); // if uncomment see raw data gps
if (gps.encode(c)) // did new valid sentence come in?
newdata = true;
if (newdata)
// have location fix output lat / long , time acquire
if(secondstofirstlocation == 0){
secondstofirstlocation = (millis() - startmillis) / 1000;
serial.print("acquired in:");
unsigned long age;
gps.f_get_position(&latitude, &longitude, &age);
latitude == tinygps::gps_invalid_f_angle ? 0.0 : latitude;
longitude == tinygps::gps_invalid_f_angle ? 0.0 : longitude;
serial.print("location: ");
serial.print(latitude, 6);
serial.print(" , ");
serial.print(longitude, 6);
dtostrf(latitude, 10, 6, lats);
strcat(message, lats);
strncat(message," ",2);
dtostrf(longitude, 10, 6, lons);
strcat(message, lons);
serial.println (message);
if (scaledx > 3.0) fona.sendsms(sendto, message);
if (scaledy > 3.0) fona.sendsms(sendto, message);
if (scaledz > 3.0) fona.sendsms(sendto, message);
if (chars == 0){
// if haven't got chars wiring issue
serial.println("check wiring");
else if(secondstofirstlocation == 0){
// still working
don't call readlocation() every time through loop(). that slows down loop().
look @ tinygps library samples. the code in loop() should check see if there character available. if there is, read , parse it. if message complete, save new location. that takes little time , assure if need location set.
then can read accelerometers , send location if limits exceeded.
look @ tinygps library samples. the code in loop() should check see if there character available. if there is, read , parse it. if message complete, save new location. that takes little time , assure if need location set.
then can read accelerometers , send location if limits exceeded.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Trouble in reading speed of accelerometer
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