Extreme (Random) Font and Text Corruption

i have form set-up user can see 1 page @ time. upon clicking button, page on hidden, , next 1 relevant them revealed. part works fine.
the problem having have extreme random corruption in fonts , text corruption, spanning sizes, text box size, typeface , fonts when file viewed in either read or professional 7.0. happens text, captions, , calculated-result text set appear in text fields. corruption tends focused on top or bottom of page - not exclusive. i've had 17 page form reduced string of 0's. then, when shut down professional , loaded form again, there no corruption.

for example, font: "this form applies to:" can appear as:
" or to:", or
"this form applies to:", or
"0 0 000 0", or
"xxis foxm xpplies to"
(where x's indicate literal check box.)

i have set subforms page break across. have set them not allow page break across. have combination of forms body pages , subforms hidden, , other body pages hidden - both affected. i've played font size , type (from myriad pro arial times new roman, size 10 16).

i have run form on 3 different computers, , received same error random errors each time.

More discussions in LiveCycle pre-ES (6.x and 7.x) discussions

