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Thread: SMART error on disk


on laptop had problem reading/writing on internal harddrive. used smartmoontools idea on going on. looks there error, not understand everything. can ?


ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda1
smartctl version 5.38 [i686-pc-linux-gnu] copyright (c) 2002-8 bruce allen
home page

=== start of information section ===
model family: hitachi travelstar 5k160 series
device model: hitachi hts541612j9sa00
serial number: sb2541h6g8mb5e
firmware version: sbdoc70p
user capacity: 120 034 123 776 bytes
device is: in smartctl database [for details use: -p show]
ata version is: 7
ata standard is: ata/atapi-7 t13 1532d revision 1
local time is: fri nov 20 16:28:25 2009 utc
smart support is: available - device has smart capability.
smart support is: enabled

=== start of read smart data section ===
smart overall-health self-assessment test result: passed

general smart values:
offline data collection status: (0x84) offline data collection activity
suspended interrupting command host.
auto offline data collection: enabled.
self-test execution status: ( 121) previous self-test completed having
read element of test failed.
total time complete offline
data collection: ( 645) seconds.
offline data collection
capabilities: (0x5b) smart execute offline immediate.
auto offline data collection on/off support.
suspend offline collection upon new
offline surface scan supported.
self-test supported.
no conveyance self-test supported.
selective self-test supported.
smart capabilities: (0x0003) saves smart data before entering
power-saving mode.
supports smart auto save timer.
error logging capability: (0x01) error logging supported.
general purpose logging supported.
short self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 2) minutes.
extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 73) minutes.

smart attributes data structure revision number: 16
vendor specific smart attributes thresholds:
id# attribute_name flag value worst thresh type updated when_failed raw_value
1 raw_read_error_rate 0x000b 085 085 062 pre-fail - 12976202
2 throughput_performance 0x0005 100 100 040 pre-fail offline - 2792
3 spin_up_time 0x0007 243 243 033 pre-fail - 1
4 start_stop_count 0x0012 100 100 000 old_age - 1347
5 reallocated_sector_ct 0x0033 046 046 005 pre-fail - 0
7 seek_error_rate 0x000b 100 100 067 pre-fail - 0
8 seek_time_performance 0x0005 100 100 040 pre-fail offline - 0
9 power_on_hours 0x0012 094 094 000 old_age - 2853
10 spin_retry_count 0x0013 100 100 060 pre-fail - 0
12 power_cycle_count 0x0032 100 100 000 old_age - 1327
191 g-sense_error_rate 0x000a 100 100 000 old_age - 0
192 power-off_retract_count 0x0032 097 097 000 old_age - 649
193 load_cycle_count 0x0012 097 097 000 old_age - 36518
194 temperature_celsius 0x0002 148 148 000 old_age - 37 (lifetime min/max 6/50)
196 reallocated_event_count 0x0032 028 028 000 old_age - 3683
197 current_pending_sector 0x0022 100 100 000 old_age - 217
198 offline_uncorrectable 0x0008 100 100 000 old_age offline - 0
199 udma_crc_error_count 0x000a 200 253 000 old_age - 2
223 load_retry_count 0x000a 100 100 000 old_age - 0

smart error log version: 1
ata error count: 7480 (device log contains recent 5 errors)
cr = command register [hex]
fr = features register [hex]
sc = sector count register [hex]
sn = sector number register [hex]
cl = cylinder low register [hex]
ch = cylinder high register [hex]
dh = device/head register [hex]
dc = device command register [hex]
er = error register [hex]
st = status register [hex]
powered_up_time measured power on, , printed
ddd+hh:mm:ss.sss dd=days, hh=hours, mm=minutes,
ss=sec, , sss=millisec. "wraps" after 49.710 days.

error 7480 occurred @ disk power-on lifetime: 2851 hours (118 days + 19 hours)
when command caused error occurred, device active or idle.

after command completion occurred, registers were:
er st sc sn cl ch dh
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 3c ab 83 f2 4d error: unc 60 sectors @ lba = 0x0df283ab = 233997227

commands leading command caused error were:
cr fr sc sn cl ch dh dc powered_up_time command/feature_name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 ff 80 67 83 f2 4d 00 03:22:43.500 read dma
ca ff 08 ef 7f b9 4a 00 03:22:43.500 write dma
ca ff 08 3c 65 58 41 00 03:22:43.500 write dma
ea 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03:22:43.400 flush cache exit
c8 ff 80 67 83 f2 4d 00 03:22:39.300 read dma

error 7479 occurred @ disk power-on lifetime: 2851 hours (118 days + 19 hours)
when command caused error occurred, device active or idle.

after command completion occurred, registers were:
er st sc sn cl ch dh
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 3c ab 83 f2 4d error: unc 60 sectors @ lba = 0x0df283ab = 233997227

commands leading command caused error were:
cr fr sc sn cl ch dh dc powered_up_time command/feature_name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 ff 80 67 83 f2 4d 00 03:22:39.300 read dma
ca ff 08 b7 bf d9 47 00 03:22:39.300 write dma
ca ff 19 84 9b bc 46 00 03:22:39.300 write dma
ca ff 10 0c a3 58 41 00 03:22:39.300 write dma
c8 ff 40 16 58 fe 40 00 03:22:39.300 read dma

error 7478 occurred @ disk power-on lifetime: 2851 hours (118 days + 19 hours)
when command caused error occurred, device active or idle.

after command completion occurred, registers were:
er st sc sn cl ch dh
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 3c ab 83 f2 4d error: unc 60 sectors @ lba = 0x0df283ab = 233997227

commands leading command caused error were:
cr fr sc sn cl ch dh dc powered_up_time command/feature_name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 ff 80 67 83 f2 4d 00 03:22:35.000 read dma
ca ff 08 bf d3 f3 48 00 03:22:35.000 write dma
c8 ff 08 dc 66 35 42 00 03:22:35.000 read dma
ca ff 10 fc a2 58 41 00 03:22:35.000 write dma
c8 ff 80 67 83 f2 4d 00 03:22:30.800 read dma

error 7477 occurred @ disk power-on lifetime: 2851 hours (118 days + 19 hours)
when command caused error occurred, device active or idle.

after command completion occurred, registers were:
er st sc sn cl ch dh
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 3c ab 83 f2 4d error: unc 60 sectors @ lba = 0x0df283ab = 233997227

commands leading command caused error were:
cr fr sc sn cl ch dh dc powered_up_time command/feature_name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 ff 80 67 83 f2 4d 00 03:22:30.800 read dma
ca ff 20 87 50 da 47 00 03:22:30.800 write dma
ca ff 08 af bf d7 47 00 03:22:30.800 write dma
ca ff 08 04 5a 5a 41 00 03:22:30.800 write dma
ca ff 08 f4 a2 58 41 00 03:22:30.800 write dma

error 7476 occurred @ disk power-on lifetime: 2851 hours (118 days + 19 hours)
when command caused error occurred, device active or idle.

after command completion occurred, registers were:
er st sc sn cl ch dh
-- -- -- -- -- -- --
40 51 3c ab 83 f2 4d error: unc 60 sectors @ lba = 0x0df283ab = 233997227

commands leading command caused error were:
cr fr sc sn cl ch dh dc powered_up_time command/feature_name
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------- --------------------
c8 ff 80 67 83 f2 4d 00 03:22:26.600 read dma
ca ff 08 6f 21 c3 48 00 03:22:26.600 write dma
ca ff 08 bf bf d7 47 00 03:22:26.600 write dma
c8 ff 08 34 04 6d 47 00 03:22:26.500 read dma
ca ff 08 9c 27 fa 40 00 03:22:26.500 write dma

smart self-test log structure revision number 1
num test_description status remaining lifetime(hours) lba_of_first_error
# 1 short offline completed: read failure 90% 2853 234008184

smart selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
span min_lba max_lba current_test_status
1 0 0 not_testing
2 0 0 not_testing
3 0 0 not_testing
4 0 0 not_testing
5 0 0 not_testing
selective self-test flags (0x0):
after scanning selected spans, not read-scan remainder of disk.
if selective self-test pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.

i believe 'unc' means uncorrectable data error, appear you've lost @ least data on disk.

i'm not entirely sure reallocated_event_count means, if it's number of sectors reallocated due errors should think getting new disk .

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