First Time Install - NOTHING once configuration.php created - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support


newbie linux , joomla here...

i'm attempting new installation of joomla on new virtual server (from webfusion/pipex, if that's relevant...?).

uploaded joomla files , folders via ftp new server - no problem.

launched url of site, , greeted initial joomla setup screen.

went through each of stages, no problem, including mysql configuration.

on last screen, told create configuration.php file specified contents - duly did.

and now, when go url, i'm presented blank screen.

i rewound everything, , redid install again -- went plan, , if don't create configuration file straight away, can happily jump in , out of joomla set screens.  create configuration.php file, same result - blank screen.

i've come dead-end now, , don't know try.

does have ideas??

any contributions gratefully received!  :)

can show configuration.php content suggested during installation process?
also, please tell me site url can see installation first page myself; don't tell me mysql database name, user, password, etc.
