i trying log output freq of oc/npn output proximity switch. adding pull resistor, arduino able use proximity switch directly without problem(reading looks ok). e2e omron proximity switch connected plc on 24v power supply. when plc connected, singnal output has dynamic voltage upto 24v. tried connecting same signal wire input pin through voltage divider seems work frequency arduino measured 10~20hz higher plc's , tried replace divider 4.7v zener diode in parallel, affected plc sampling, neither got seemingly correct reading.
to not meddle plc, seems either arduino should relay signal plc (which not option, device must work without arduino.) or signal needs split transistor circuit before going plc or arduio. or whatever. don't know how done. can point me direction or references?
to not meddle plc, seems either arduino should relay signal plc (which not option, device must work without arduino.) or signal needs split transistor circuit before going plc or arduio. or whatever. don't know how done. can point me direction or references?
use optoisolator (4n25) resistor on led reduce current few ma. still turn on output not effect plc.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > sharing a NPN output sensor on 24V power
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