Heating water to a specific temperature - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm in engineering school , fluid mechanics class have design system heat water 110ºf , maintain temperature, while using recirculation system.

i'm trying figure out if raspberry pi unit capable of receiving inputs thermal sensors , tripping valves based on temperature criteria. if capable of meeting needs, suggestions on need interface raspberry pi 3 or 4 thermal couples inputs, , send commands 2 actuators appreciated.

yes can read thermocouple , control actuators
find small little board take them thermocouple of type want , let pi see information them. can done via various methods, i2c, 1-wire
adafriut source of info, data , ideas. around.
yes can control actuators, around , search job you.
other that, spec, overshoot, undershoot, control damping etc down , pick sensor/controller allows it.

