the idea of project have target act button or trigger lighting response when target hit. i've been toying mega 2560 picked other day, , have been able run few of sample sketch codes, relative ones being "button" , "blink without delay." think need use relay shield this: , switch this: plug led floodlight , make flash designated amount of time when button pressed being struck snowball. on rigth track? did of direction video:
i've been trying unsuccessfully merge this:
i able manipulate blink without delay code bit use led on different pin , change constant long interval 1000 millis 250 millis
code: [select]
// constants won't change. they're used here to
// set pin numbers:
const int buttonpin = 2; // number of pushbutton pin
const int ledpin = 13; // number of led pin
// variables change:
int buttonstate = 0; // variable reading pushbutton status
void setup() {
// initialize led pin output:
pinmode(ledpin, output);
// initialize pushbutton pin input:
pinmode(buttonpin, input);
void loop() {
// read state of pushbutton value:
buttonstate = digitalread(buttonpin);
// check if pushbutton pressed.
// if is, buttonstate high:
if (buttonstate == high) {
// turn led on:
digitalwrite(ledpin, high);
else {
// turn led off:
digitalwrite(ledpin, low);
code: [select]
// constants won't change. used here set pin number :
const int ledpin = 13; // number of led pin
// variables change :
int ledstate = low; // ledstate used set led
// generally, should use "unsigned long" variables hold time
// value become large int store
unsigned long previousmillis = 0; // store last time led updated
// constants won't change :
const long interval = 1000; // interval @ blink (milliseconds)
void setup() {
// set digital pin output:
pinmode(ledpin, output);
void loop()
// here you'd put code needs running time.
// check see if it's time blink led; is, if the
// difference between current time , last time blinked
// led bigger interval @ want to
// blink led.
unsigned long currentmillis = millis();
if(currentmillis - previousmillis >= interval) {
// save last time blinked led
previousmillis = currentmillis;
// if led off turn on , vice-versa:
if (ledstate == low)
ledstate = high;
ledstate = low;
// set led ledstate of variable:
digitalwrite(ledpin, ledstate);
i able manipulate blink without delay code bit use led on different pin , change constant long interval 1000 millis 250 millis
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