hello guys,
i have working system 2x arduino uno. first 1 sends continously values second one. works fine (testing serial.print).
my issue:
i want write values servos. if servo begins move, arduino doesnt receive new message. looks stuck in function "myservo.write()".
for application, necessary receive as possible messages. not okay. guys know solution?
p.s: use "servotimer2.h" instead of "servo.h" because of library-conflict virtualwire.
necessary receive code:
i think guy has same issue:
well, build 1 meter cable, servo far away rx-module. doesnt make difference normal 5cm cable.
so "electrical noise" can't reason..
i have working system 2x arduino uno. first 1 sends continously values second one. works fine (testing serial.print).
my issue:
i want write values servos. if servo begins move, arduino doesnt receive new message. looks stuck in function "myservo.write()".
for application, necessary receive as possible messages. not okay. guys know solution?
p.s: use "servotimer2.h" instead of "servo.h" because of library-conflict virtualwire.
necessary receive code:
code: [select]
if (vw_get_message(buf, &buflen)) //einlesen des wertes und in buf speichern
(int = 0; < buflen; ++i) //checking buffer holds
if(i<buflen-2) //nur die ersten 4 zeichen auslesen; 2 weglassen (.0)
rx_data = buf[i] - '0'; //umwandeln des ascii-wertes in reele zahl {z.b. '9' = 57(ascii), '0' = 48(ascii) --> rxdata = 57 - 48 = 9}
value += rx_data * pow(10,3-i); //potenzieren der einzelnen werte mit 10^3, 10^2, 10^1 bzw. 10^0
//auswerten des streams
value -= 2000; //2000 offset subtrahieren
if(value <= 360) //abfrage ob compassdata
value_comp = value; //abspeichern in value_comp
else //wenn nicht compassdata, dann neigungsdata
value -= 1000; //weitere 1000 offset subtrahieren, da sicher neigungsdata
value_neig = value; //abspeichern in value_neig
if(value_comp > -90 && value_comp <90){
send_comp = map(value_comp, -90, 90, 750, 2250); //servo skalierung
if(oldcompass < send_comp){
for(oldcompass; oldcompass <= send_comp; oldcompass+=5){
else if(oldcompass > send_comp){
for(oldcompass; oldcompass >= send_comp; oldcompass-=5){
oldcompass = send_comp;
else if (value_comp <= -90){
else if (value_comp >= 90){
i think guy has same issue:
well, build 1 meter cable, servo far away rx-module. doesnt make difference normal 5cm cable.
so "electrical noise" can't reason..
the use of delay() won't help. use millis() manage timing without blocking illustrated in several things @ time
why not separate code receiving data , code moving servos 2 separate functions. way may easier figure out problem. see planning , implementing program
why not separate code receiving data , code moving servos 2 separate functions. way may easier figure out problem. see planning , implementing program
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Motors, Mechanics, and Power (Moderator: fabioc84) > Cannot Receive Message (433Mhz) when Servo runs
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