Using battery to pwer pi and hooking up usb hub - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm trying hook 1 of these ... sx425_.jpg

female micro usb plug on left aditional power. striped whole thing cant work piczero or rather when connect pi doesnt power up.

here's did: connectrd d+ , d— wires correct pads. connected 5v , gnd wires correct pads under pwr micro usb plug on pi. hooked pi boots hub doesn't work because needs more power. stripped plug designated external power. soldered 5v , gnd wires (the wires in cable) same pads before 2 5v , 2 gnd wires soldered same pad. hooked pi doesn't power on. doing wrong? should remove wires or doing wrong completely?

also... i'm hooking pi power throught usb. @ end i'll coonecting battery same pads usb 5v , gnd wires.

i cannot follow description of have done 1 piece of information may you.

item intended used usb device operating in host mode. usb host should supply power. therefore power fed bottom left connector in photo not passed micro-usb plug @ top. how should be, not design fault.

gets bad reviews on amazon. whether because lot of them faulty or because buyers don't understand above limitation, don't know.

