a sketch working on version 1.0.5 of arduino ide no longer compile on version 1.6.5.
i'm pretty new programming/arduino thing, looks problem has library i'd added simplify chasing leds.
the sketch drives servos wings of pke meter prop (from ghostbusters} , chases leds on wings , display.
this working fine, had update teensy 3.x libraries play audio sd card, , required updating arduino software.
after update, when attempt compile error message (i've removed of error due forum limitations):
arduino: 1.6.5 (mac os x), td: 1.25, board: "teensy 3.2 / 3.1, serial, 96 mhz optimized (overclock), english"
in file included pushbutton_dual_servos_with_chase_blink.ino:2:0:
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:1:5: error: stray '\302' in program
1 /*
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:1:5: error: stray '\240' in program
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:22:4: error: stray '\302' in program
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:22:4: error: stray '\240' in program
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:23:4: error: stray '\302' in program
23 #ifndef chaseleds_h
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:23:4: error: stray '\240' in program
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:23:8: error: stray '#' in program
23 #ifndef chaseleds_h
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:24:4: error: stray '\302' in program
24 #define chaseleds_h
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:24:4: error: stray '\240' in program
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:24:8: error: stray '#' in program
24 #define chaseleds_h
error compiling.
this report have more information with
"show verbose output during compilation"
enabled in file > preferences.
i assume something's broken chaseleds library, don't know what. the chaseleds library visible in "contributed libraries" section in "include library" pulldown. if start new sketch, add chaseleds library, , attempt compile same error message.
this chaseleds.h code (with copyright info removed):
this code chaseleds.cpp:
this basis chaseleds library i'm using:
any appreciated.
thank you.
shawn marshall
portland, or
i'm pretty new programming/arduino thing, looks problem has library i'd added simplify chasing leds.
the sketch drives servos wings of pke meter prop (from ghostbusters} , chases leds on wings , display.
code: [select]
#include <servo.h>
#include <chaseleds.h>
#define nacelle_rate 22 // analog input reading nacelle chase rate
#define nacelle_chase_len 8 // length of nacelle chase, 1..6
#define nacelle_min_period 25 // minimum time advance nacelle chase (milliseconds)
#define nacelle_max_period 250 // maximum time advance nacelle chase (milliseconds)
#define nacelle_dim_value 0 // value dimming previous led in chase, 0..255
// output pins use nacelle chase
boolean chaseon = false;
byte nacellechasepins[8] = {14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21}; // pin 21 not connected leave blank spot in sequence
class nacellechaseleds : public chaseleds
nacellechaseleds(const byte *pins, int num)
: chaseleds(pins, num, 0) {}
void advance(byte prevpin, byte nextpin) {
digitalwrite(previouspin(2), low);
analogwrite(prevpin, nacelle_dim_value);
if (chaseon)
digitalwrite(nextpin, high);
setadvancetime(map(analogread(nacelle_rate), 0, 1023, nacelle_min_period, nacelle_max_period));
//digitalwrite(13, !digitalread(13)); // toggle led <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
nacellechaseleds nacellechase(nacellechasepins, nacelle_chase_len);
const int touchpinfull = 12; // number of pushbutton pin
int touchstatefull = 0;
servo myservol; // create servo object control servo
// maximum of 8 servo objects can created
servo myservor;
void setup()
digitalwrite(13, low); //status led off
pinmode(14, output); //wing led
pinmode(15, output); //wing led
pinmode(16, output); //wing led
pinmode(17, output); //wing led
pinmode(18, output); //wing led
pinmode(19, output); //wing led
pinmode(20, output); //wing led
pinmode(13, output); // status led
pinmode(touchpinfull, input);
pinmode(11, input_pullup); // pushbutton
void loop()
{touchstatefull = digitalread(touchpinfull);
if (touchstatefull==low) // 12 pin low due pullup resistor - returns 0, block happens. if returns 1 (touch pressed, pin goes high), else (full wings) happens wings @ home, no lights
if (digitalread(11)) // 11 pin high due pullup resistor - returns 1, block happens. if returns 0 (button pressed, pin goes low), else happens wings @ home, no lights
digitalwrite(13, low); //status led off
digitalwrite(14, low); //wing led off
digitalwrite(15, low); //wing led off
digitalwrite(16, low); //wing led off
digitalwrite(17, low); //wing led off
digitalwrite(18, low); //wing led off
digitalwrite(19, low); //wing led off
digitalwrite(20, low); //wing led off
myservol.write(20); // servo home position
myservor.write(140); // servo home position
chaseon = false;
// pin low - returns 0 - 12 pin low due pushbutton pressed wings half up, lights
digitalwrite(13, high); // status led on
myservol.write(80); // servo half up
myservor.write(80); // servo half up
chaseon = true;
// pin high - returns 1 - 12 pin high due touch pressed wings full up, lights
digitalwrite(13, high); // status led on
myservol.write(140); // servo full up
myservor.write(20); // servo full up
chaseon = true;
this working fine, had update teensy 3.x libraries play audio sd card, , required updating arduino software.
after update, when attempt compile error message (i've removed of error due forum limitations):
arduino: 1.6.5 (mac os x), td: 1.25, board: "teensy 3.2 / 3.1, serial, 96 mhz optimized (overclock), english"
in file included pushbutton_dual_servos_with_chase_blink.ino:2:0:
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:1:5: error: stray '\302' in program
1 /*
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:1:5: error: stray '\240' in program
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:22:4: error: stray '\302' in program
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:22:4: error: stray '\240' in program
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:23:4: error: stray '\302' in program
23 #ifndef chaseleds_h
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:23:4: error: stray '\240' in program
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:23:8: error: stray '#' in program
23 #ifndef chaseleds_h
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:24:4: error: stray '\302' in program
24 #define chaseleds_h
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:24:4: error: stray '\240' in program
/users/shawnm/documents/arduino/libraries/chaseleds/chaseleds.h:24:8: error: stray '#' in program
24 #define chaseleds_h
error compiling.
this report have more information with
"show verbose output during compilation"
enabled in file > preferences.
i assume something's broken chaseleds library, don't know what. the chaseleds library visible in "contributed libraries" section in "include library" pulldown. if start new sketch, add chaseleds library, , attempt compile same error message.
this chaseleds.h code (with copyright info removed):
code: [select]
1 /*
23 #ifndef chaseleds_h
24 #define chaseleds_h
26 #include <inttypes.h>
28 class chaseleds
29 {
30 public:
31 chaseleds(const uint8_t *pins, int num, unsigned long advancetime);
33 void loop();
35 unsigned long advancetime() const { return _advancetime; }
36 void setadvancetime(unsigned long advancetime) { _advancetime = advancetime; }
38 protected:
39 virtual void advance(uint8_t prevpin, uint8_t nextpin);
40 uint8_t previouspin(int n) const
41 { return _pins[(_currentindex + _numpins - n) % _numpins]; }
43 private:
44 const uint8_t *_pins;
45 int _numpins;
46 int _currentindex;
47 unsigned long _advancetime;
48 unsigned long _lastchange;
49 };
51 #endif
this code chaseleds.cpp:
code: [select]
1 /*
23 #include "chaseleds.h"
24 #if defined(arduino) && arduino >= 100
25 #include <arduino.h>
26 #else
27 #include <wprogram.h>
28 #endif
71 chaseleds::chaseleds(const uint8_t *pins, int num, unsigned long advancetime)
72 : _pins(pins)
73 , _numpins(num)
74 , _currentindex(-1)
75 , _advancetime(advancetime)
76 , _lastchange(millis())
77 {
78 (uint8_t index = 0; index < _numpins; ++index) {
79 pinmode(_pins[index], output);
80 digitalwrite(_pins[index], low);
81 }
82 }
87 void chaseleds::loop()
88 {
89 if (_currentindex >= 0) {
90 if ((millis() - _lastchange) >= _advancetime) {
91 // advance next led in sequence.
92 _currentindex = (_currentindex + 1) % _numpins;
93 _lastchange += _advancetime;
94 advance(previouspin(1), _pins[_currentindex]);
95 }
96 } else {
97 // first time - light first led.
98 _currentindex = 0;
99 _lastchange = millis();
100 advance(previouspin(1), _pins[_currentindex]);
101 }
102 }
136 void chaseleds::advance(uint8_t prevpin, uint8_t nextpin)
137 {
138 digitalwrite(prevpin, low);
139 digitalwrite(nextpin, high);
140 }
this basis chaseleds library i'm using:
any appreciated.
thank you.
shawn marshall
portland, or
you need post code trying compile, too.
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > LED Chaser sketch won't compile after update to Arduino 1.6.5
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