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Thread: Can I use my alternate / text-based Ubuntu 9.10 CD as a Live CD without installing it


new linux.

mistake, instead of downloading desktop/live cd, downloaded alternate / tex-based cd intel machine. not want waste time downloading live cd again. want try ubunty 9.10 alternate cd live cd without installing it. how can that? have created downloaded iso image bootable cd , cd boots. but, not see option "install ubuntu without altering system" option @ top. starts "install ubuntu"
in menu list.

there workarounds or shortcut methods solve problem. should need download other addtional files make ubuntu-alternate-i3d6.iso cd work?

urgent request online , looking advice.


you can't use alterate cd live cd.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [SOLVED] Can I use my alternate / text-based Ubuntu 9.10 CD as a Live CD without installing it

