How to implement REST style commands to handle WiFi connection in Linino OS?

at default state, arduino yun wifi hot spot. phone can connect it. send rest style commands phone app arduino yun following jobs:

1. scan wifi nodes nearby , report phone app
2. connect specific wifi node wifi node name , password phone app
3. report connection state (available or connected) phone app

i implement above commands in linux side instead of atmel side because need save memory space on atmel side other jobs.

my questions are:
1. files process rest api commands?
2. how scan wifi? how connect specifi wifi node?
3. how add new rest api commands scan wifi , connect specifi wifi node?

can done? please point me direction.

thank much,


1. scan wifi nodes nearby , report phone app
2. connect specific wifi node wifi node name , password phone app
3. report connection state (available or connected) phone app
the phone app (ios/android) should able 3 jobs without yun's help!

Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Yún (Moderator: fabioc84) > How to implement REST style commands to handle WiFi connection in Linino OS?

