hello, i'm using crowduino nano 328 project.
here's code
it okay on 1st upload keeps on firing pulses without input. tried changing power source usb or directed vin input no luck.
this code seems work fine when hold input pin"wire" pulses go crazy.
anyone xd
here's code
code: [select]
const int cmd = 5; // pin command printing
const int coin = 0; // pin coinsense
char ccount = 0; // temporary coin value handler
boolean ind = false; // coin indicator
boolean pulse = false; // ongoing pulse indicator
boolean sndnow = false; // high pulse sending indicator
unsigned long inserttimer; // temporary time handler coin
unsigned long printtimer; // temporary time handler printing
unsigned long pulsetimer; // temporary time handler cmd pulse
char carray[9]; // inline coin count printing
int idx = 0; // pointer coin array
int idxs = 0; // command pointer
void setup(){ //this setup should done.
pinmode(cmd,output); // assigning pin output
digitalwrite(cmd,low); // pull down command first
attachinterrupt(coin, detectcoin, rising); // start coin interrupt
void loop(){
void getcoincount(){
if(ind && (millis()-inserttimer >= 3000)){ //3 sec period of consecutive input coins.
inserttimer = 0; //reset timer onother inputs.
carray[idx] = ccount; //save count array.
if(idx==8){idx=0;}else{idx++;} //check if pointer,increment if less size of array otherwise reset.
ccount = 0; //reset coin counter
ind = false; //reset coin indicator
void detectcoin(){ //this isr(interrupt sub routine
ccount++; //increment counter every pulse
ind = true; //enable indicator
inserttimer = millis(); //get time stamp
void sendcommand(){ //this command send host(thread style execution)
if(carray[idxs]>0 && printtimer==0){printtimer = millis();} //is specific array has value send? set printertimer.
else if(carray[idxs]>0 && printtimer>0){ //is timer set , array @ location idxs has value?
if(!sndnow){ //should send high pulse?
pulsetimer = millis(); //get time stamp pulse timing
digitalwrite(cmd,high); //send high pulse
sndnow = true; //indicate sent high pulse
if(millis()-pulsetimer==500){ //ofcourse high pulse sent , checking time period of 0.5sec
digitalwrite(cmd,low); //0.5 sec reached, pull down sending line
}else if(millis()-pulsetimer>=1000){ //wait 0.5sec again after pulling down line
sndnow = false; //0.5sec pulldown reached,we reset indicators , timers next pulse if any.
pulsetimer = 0;
carray[idxs]--; //ofcourse decrement value after sending every pulse.
}else if(printtimer>0){ //all pulse sent , waiting printer finish job.
if(millis()-printtimer>=8000){ //printer done, can proceed next index of array.
printtimer = 0;
}else if(carray[idxs]==0){ //array has no data send?
if(idxs==8){idxs=0;} //well check index if less size of array.
else {idxs++;} //increment if less otherwise reset zero.
it okay on 1st upload keeps on firing pulses without input. tried changing power source usb or directed vin input no luck.
this code seems work fine when hold input pin"wire" pulses go crazy.
code: [select]
int cmd = 8;
int coin = 2;
void setup() {
pinmode(coin, input);
pinmode(cmd, output);
digitalwrite(cmd, low);
void loop() {
{digitalwrite(cmd, high);
digitalwrite(cmd, low);
anyone xd
for interrupt pin, have set expect signal (i.e. input)?
are using internal pull-up resistor or external?
are using internal pull-up resistor or external?
code: [select]
pinmode(mypin, input_pullup);
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Coin counter to Interrupt pin. help.
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