i try establish dialog master slave using i2c bus.
the master send "order" , slave must send response.
the order small structure:
the response small structure:
i use method send order (and response):
in slave device, have methods:
basically, have switch in on i2creceiveevent method identify "order"
and send response int method:
so if order "sending value" work well.
if order more complicated, requesting temperature using dalas library, system work many times, after may 20 cycles of master / slave exchange, slave crash !
is problem in architecture ?
what can reason of slave crash ?
any welcome.
best regards
thierry vorms
i try establish dialog master slave using i2c bus.
the master send "order" , slave must send response.
the order small structure:
code: [select]
union i2c_order{
struct order{
unsigned char masterorder;
unsigned int masterparam;
bool logicaloutput2;
} order;
char byteval[sizeof(order)];
the response small structure:
code: [select]
union i2c_slave_response{
struct response{
weight_output weight;
boolean logical1;
boolean logical2;
float floatparameter;
unsigned char parameter;
unsigned char error;
} response;
char byteval[sizeof(response)];
unsigned char i2c_address;
i use method send order (and response):
code: [select]
i2c_slave_response i2c_tools::getdatafromdevice(unsigned char i2cdevice, i2c_order order){
i2c_slave_response response;
response.i2c_address = i2cdevice;
if (!wire.endtransmission()){
(unsigned char = 0; < sizeof(i2c_order); i++){
delay(5); // necessary !!!!
wire.requestfrom(i2cdevice, sizeof(i2c_slave_response));
unsigned char = 0;
switch (wire.available()){
case sizeof(i2c_slave_response):
response.byteval[i++] = wire.read();
default: response.response.error = i2c_bad_response_format;
} // switch on receive size
} else {
#ifdef debug
serial.print(f("device i2c adress: ")); serial.print(i2cdevice, dec); serial.println(f(" not responding"));
response.response.error = i2c_device_not_responding;
return response;
in slave device, have methods:
code: [select]
// i2c regsitration
wire.onreceive(i2creceiveevent); // register event
basically, have switch in on i2creceiveevent method identify "order"
and send response int method:
code: [select]
wire.write(response.byteval, sizeof(i2c_slave_response));
so if order "sending value" work well.
if order more complicated, requesting temperature using dalas library, system work many times, after may 20 cycles of master / slave exchange, slave crash !
is problem in architecture ?
what can reason of slave crash ?
any welcome.
best regards
thierry vorms
you shouldn't return struct or array value.
best systems little ram, avoiding dynamic memory, if caller provides memory function fill in result (by reference) , return ok status.
of course use real c pointers instead of c++ references, need more changes code...
best systems little ram, avoiding dynamic memory, if caller provides memory function fill in result (by reference) , return ok status.
code: [select]
bool i2c_tools::getdatafromdevice(byte i2cdevice, i2c_order& order, i2c_response& response) {
response.i2c_address = i2cdevice;
if (!wire.endtransmission()){
(unsigned char = 0; < sizeof(i2c_order); i++){
delay(5); // necessary !!!!
wire.requestfrom(i2cdevice, sizeof(i2c_slave_response));
unsigned char = 0;
switch (wire.available()){
case sizeof(i2c_slave_response):
response.byteval[i++] = wire.read();
response.response.error = i2c_bad_response_format;
return false;
} // switch on receive size
} else {
#ifdef debug
serial.print(f("device i2c adress: ")); serial.print(i2cdevice, dec); serial.println(f(" not responding"));
response.response.error = i2c_device_not_responding;
return false;
return true;
of course use real c pointers instead of c++ references, need more changes code...
Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > I2C architecture
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